Kansas City Communal Genizah Policy
Community Conversion Class
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Candle lighting Times and Torah Readings
Maximizing the Diverse Vitality of Jewish Religious Life
In Greater Kansas City

The Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City
The Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City includes Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist and non-Denominational rabbis who serve as the rabbinic voice in and for the Jewish community and the larger Greater Kansas City community. Read more
As the world watches the crisis in Ukraine unfold, there are many unknowns and unanswered questions.
Join us for a special virtual presentation followed by a Q&A session.
The Rabbinical Association stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and add their prayer for peace.
Prayer for Peace in Ukraine
One God,
Ancient and merciful,
Justice and Peace are Yours.
Halt their retreat from the world
And send them to the people of Ukraine for good.
Do it for the sake of Your name,
Do it for the sake of Your right hand,
Do it for the sake of holiness,
Do it for the sake of Your children,
So that all may live in the fullness of Your gifts,
As one family on earth,
Under Your canopy of love.
Adapted from “For the Return of Peace” © 2021 Alden Solovy and tobendlight.com

What We Do
We guide the community in making religious decisions for community events, and provide information, education and leadership on Jewish and interfaith issues. We also support the rabbis in their personal and professional growth and develop and nourish collegial relationships within the Association.
What's New?
Statement from the Rabbincal Association:
We welcome all who seek to worship and study with us, regardless of their religious background and convictions, as the Tanakh instructs us, “Let my house be a house of prayer for all peoples.” (Isaiah 56:7) However, we also request that all those who worship and study with and among us be respectful of Judaism and our customs. There have, at times, been those who believe that their religious duty requires them to testify to their faith in public and to convert Jews to Christianity. We understand that such people act out of their personal convictions. Yet, common decency requires that all of us respect the religious convictions of the Jewish community, as well. Therefore, we cannot tolerate those people who would damage Judaism or Jews, or who would take advantage of our openness and hospitality to seduce Jews into another religion. Anyone engaging in proselytizing among Jews at Jewish communal events will be asked to leave that event, and not to return to any events within the Jewish community. Thank you for your respect for our religious convictions and the decorum that we request of all members of the community we share.
-Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City
Read More Statements from the RA