KC-area congregational school faculty and HBHA teachers joined together for a shared day of professional learning and development on Sunday, February 19, 2019. The event was hosted at Congregation Beth Shalom. Nearly 55 teachers, specialists and madrichim (student teaching assistants) braved inclement weather to attend a day of learning where they had an opportunity to enrich their Judaic knowledge, improve their practical skills, and strengthen networks among colleagues. This opportunity allowed teachers to gain new ideas from different schools in various movements and to dedicate time to high-level professional development.

The day-long program began with breakfast and was followed by a visual learner’s Tefilah led by Rabbi Monica Kleinman. Rabbi Samuel K. Joseph, Ph.D., internationally known educator, lecturer, workshop facilitator, and expert in leadership development and organizational excellence, and currently the Eleanor Sinsheimer Distinguished Service Professor of Jewish Education and Leadership Development at Hebrew Union College facilitated an interactive morning workshop focused on “Building Relationships and Community in Our Classrooms”.

Rabbi David Glickman, Congregation Beth Shalom and immediate past president, Rabbinical Association welcomed the faculty during lunch with an inspiring message and, Rabbi Joseph led teachers through an engaging afternoon session focused on “Teaching about God throughout the Year.” The day concluded with a dessert reception. Lindsey Lipsky, Sasone Special Education Coordinator assisted by Carol Pfau led madrichim through activities that focused on “Supporting All Learners for Success”. This program was generously funded by the Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City and sponsored by the Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City and area congregation Religious Schools.