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Community-wide Selichot Program and Service
September 9, 2023
A beautiful and moving Selichot program and service took place Saturday evening at host congregation, B’nai Jehudah with multi-access participation.
Following a dessert reception and Havdalah, this year’s Selichot program welcomed Rabbi Josh Feigelson, President & CEO of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality who discussed The Breath of Life: A Jewish Mindfulness Practice of Teshuva.
The service was led by area clergy and a musical leadership team of soloists from congregations across the community. The Selichot service helped worshipers begin to spiritually prepare for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The late hour and the themes articulated in the liturgy prepared attendees for the Days of Awe and set the tone for the High Holy Days. The service concluded with the blowing of the Shofar by Zach Zwibelman
Pictured Left to Right:
Back Row: Rabi Jonathan Rudnick, Rabbi Alan Londy, Rabbi David Glickman, Rabbi Caitlin Brazner, Rabbi Doug Alpert and Rabbi Javier Cattapan.
Front Row: Rabbi Rachel Rothstein, Rabbi Linda Steigman, Rabbi Stephanie Kramer, Hazzan Tahl Ben-Yehuda, Rabbi Larry Karol and Rabbi Beryl Padorr.
Selichot Community soloists included Hazzan Tahl Ben-Yehuda, Rabbi Javier Cattapan, Laura Payne and Lezlie Zucker. The Selichot community choir was conducted by Lara Steinel, Accompanist Susie Adams and Warren Sickel on the clarinet. Choir members were Hazzan Tahl Ben-Yehuda, Carol Ducak, Estelle Edelbaum, Vic Finkelstein, Kris Gray, Nick LeVine, Abby Magariel, Lee Merrill, Laura Payne, Nina Shik, Lezlie Zucker and Andrea Zwibelman.
The Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City sponsors the Selichot program in collaboration with area congregations and generous support from The Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City.
Community-Wide Selichot Program and Service
Saturday, September 9, 2023
Host Congregation: The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah
Program to feature: Rabbi Josh Feigelson, President & CEO of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality
The Jewish community will come together to prepare for the High Holy Days at the annual community Selichot program and service. There will be opportunities for multi-access participation.
8:00 pm
Dessert reception followed by Havdalah at 8:50 p.m.
9:00 pm
Keynote speaker: Rabbi Josh Feigelson, President & CEO of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality
Topic: The Breath of Life: A Jewish Mindfulness Practice of Teshuva
We often think of teshuva as repenting for our sins. Yet many of us have trouble relating to that idea. What might it feel like to approach teshuva as a practice of returning with compassion to our best intentions? In this teaching, Rabbi Feigelson will both explore Jewish texts and guide us in a practice that can enrich and deepen our experience of the High Holiday season
10:10 pm
Community Selichot Service led by area clergy and a musical leadership team of soloists from congregations across the community. The Selichot service is designed to help worshipers begin to spiritually prepare for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Questions: afprogram@aol.com
Rabbi Stephanie Kramer, Rabbi Caitlin Brazner, Hazzan Tahl Ben Yehuda, Rabbi Doug Alpert, Rabbi Larry Karol, Rabbi David Glickman, Rabbi Rachel Rothstein, Rabbi Alan Londy, Rabbi Beryl Padorr, Rabbi Jonathan Rudnick and Rabbi Javier Cattapan.