Rabbi Moshe GrussgottRabbi Moshe Grussgott is the Senior Rabbi of Kehilath Israel Synagogue in Overland Park.

He was previously senior rabbi of Congregation Ramath Orah in New York City from 2011-2018, where he had previously served as associate rabbi from 2007-2011. Rabbi Grussgott served as a chaplain and captain in the US Army Reserve from 2007-2013, pastoring and counseling troops at various army bases across America, including posts in South Carolina, New Jersey, and New York.

He is also a trained hospital chaplain, and served as a chaplain at Mount Sinai Hospital and at NYU Langone, both in New York City.

Rabbi Grussgott was trained for 8 years at Yeshiva University, where he earned his BA (Psychology) at Yeshiva College and his MA (Medieval Jewish History) at YU’s Bernard Revel Graduate Program of Jewish Studies. After completing his first three years of rabbinic training at YU’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, he took time off to train as a US Army chaplain, and then completed his ordination through the Ayshel Avraham Rabbinical Seminary in Monsey, New York.

Rabbi Grussgott was the rabbi and senior educator of the Achva West summer traveling program for teens in the summers of 2008, 2009 and 2012; he then became the rabbi and senior educator of the Aryeh Adventures summer traveling program, whose aim is for special needs and mainstream teens to integrate and learn from each other, from 2013-2015.

Rabbi Grussgott and his wife Becca have three boys, Ari, Ezra and Manny.

Rabbi Moshe Grussgott
Senior Rabbi, Kehilath Israel Synagogue
(913) 642-1880