Rabbi Alan LondyRabbi Londy is a native of Troy, New York. He received his undergraduate degree from Cornell University and his rabbinic ordination from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Rabbi Londy began his career as an assistant rabbi in Beth El Congregation in Baltimore, Maryland. Five years later, he moved to Orlando to serve for 12 years as the Senior Rabbi of Temple Israel. During his tenure in Orlando, his congregation was selected as a Synagogue of Excellence by the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism – Southeast Region designated to only a limited number of congregations in the U.S. Following his time in Florida, he moved north to serve for six years as the Senior Rabbi of Temple Beth Sholom of Smithtown, NY.

In the summer of 2006, Rabbi Londy joined the staff of Temple Israel of the City of New York as the Rabbi/Educator. In his role at Temple Israel, he deepened the educational offerings of the synagogue and also shared rabbinic duties with the senior rabbi, David Gelfand.

In July 2011, Rabbi Londy arrived at The New Reform Temple as the Interim Rabbi. A year later, he was elected the Senior Rabbi of the congregation. Rabbi Londy is passionate about creating at The New Reform Temple a commitment to Life-Long Jewish Learning. He is active in the interfaith religious community.

He is also dedicated to his own professional growth. Fifteen years ago, he became one of the first rabbinic fellows of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. In the spring of 2009, Rabbi Londy received his Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Counseling sponsored jointly by the HUC-JIR and the Post Graduate Center for Mental Health. Rabbi Londy is a recent graduate of the Leadership Institute for Congregational Educators. He is a member of the Central Conference of American Rabbis.

He is married to Jane Londy of Fairfield, Connecticut. They have two children, Leora who lives in Israel; and Noam who is studying environmental sustainability. The Londys are the proud owners of an Airedale Terrier named Murray. They reside in the Brookside neighborhood of Kansas City, MO.

Rabbi Alan D. Londy, D.Min.
The New Reform Temple of Kansas City

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