Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City


Rabbi Moshe Grussgott | President
Rabbi Mark Glass | Vice-President
Rabbi Stephanie Kramer | Secretary-Treasurer
Rabbi Javier Cattapan  Immediate Past-President


Annette Fish | Administrator/Program Director
Patti Kroll | Community Conversion Class Coordinator
Shelley Rissien | Conversion Class Hebrew Coordinator


Rabbi Doug Alpert | View Bio | Email
Congregation Kol Ami | (816) 510-4895

Hazzan Tahl Ben Yehuda |  View Bio | Email
Congregation Beth Shalom | (913) 647-7279

Rabbi Caitlin Brazner | View Bio | Email
The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah | (913) 663-4050

Rabbi Bonney-Cohen  | Email
Rabbi for Outreach and Family Engagement, Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy | (913) 327-8150

Rabbi Mark Glass | View Bio | Email
Beth Israel Abraham and Voliner  | (913) 341-2444

Rabbi David Glickman | View Bio | Email
Congregation Beth Shalom | (913) 647-7279

Rabbi Moshe Grussgott | View Bio | Email
Kehilath Israel Synagogue | (913) 642-1880

Cantor Aron Hayon | View Bio | E-mail
Kehilath Israel Synagogue | (913) 642-7279

Rabbi Talia Kaplan |  View Bio | Email
Congregation Beth Shalom | (913) 647-7279

Rabbi Larry Karol | View Bio
Rabbi Emeritus, Las Cruces, NM
(785) 554-7695

Rabbi Jon Kleinman | View Bio | Email
Good Shepherd Hospice

Rabbi Monica Kleinman | View Bio | Email
Assistant Director of Programs, Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies

Rabbi Stephanie Kramer | View Bio | Email
The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah

Rabbi Mark Levin, Founding Rabbi | View Bio | Email
Congregation Beth Torah | (913) 498-2212

Rabbi Alan Londy, D.Min. | View Bio | Email
New Reform Temple | (816) 523-7809

Rabbi Herbert Mandl, Rabbi Emeritus | View Bio | Email
Kehilath Israel Synagogue | (913) 642-1880

Rabbi Beryl Padorr | View Bio | Email

Rabbi Moti Rieber | Email

Rabbi Rachel Rothstein | View Bio | Email
The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah

Rabbi Aron Rubin | View Bio | Email
Vaad: Senior Mashgiach
BIAV: Assistant Rabbi

Rabbi Jonathan Rudnick | View Bio | Email
Community Chaplain, Jewish Family Services | (913) 915-7730

Rabbi Edward AlterShmuel Shapiro | Email | Photo
Executive Director/ Kashruth Administrator
Vaad HaKashruth of Kansas City | (913) 235-6077

Rabbi Linda K. Steigman, MSS | View Bio | Email
(913) 982-7402

Rabbi Sam Stern | View Bio | Email
Temple Beth Sholom (Topeka, KS) | (785) 272-6040

Rabbi Scott White, Retired | View Bio | Email
Congregation Ohev Sholom | (913) 589-9085

Rabbi Michael Zedek, Rabbi Emeritus | View Bio | Email
Temple Emanuel Chicago &
The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah